Wednesday, 30 September 2015

UNIT 1. Possessive's

Let's study the Possessive's.
Firts, watch the videos.
Then, you can practise.
Come on. It's very easy!!!

Read and do the exercises here

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

"To be or not to be, that is the question"

Sujeto + Verbo ‘to be’+ Complement 
I (Yo)
Am  (soy/estoy)
You (Tú)
Are (eres/estás)
He (Él)
She (Ella)
It (Eso)
Is  (es/está)
We (Nosotros)
Are (somos/estamos)
You (Vosotros)
Are (sois/estáis)
They (Ellos o Ellas)
Are (son/están)

I am not
I‘m not
You are not
You aren’t
He is not
She is not
He isn’t
She isn’t
It is not
It isn’t
We are not
We aren’t
You are not
You aren’t
They are not
They aren’t

And now... you can do a lot of exercises here

Unit 1 - Demostratives

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Caravan of love

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