Padre | Father | Suegro | Father-in-law |
Madre | Mother | Suegra | Mother-in-law |
Hermano | Brother | Yerno | Son-in-law |
Hermana | Sister | Nuera | Daughter-in-law |
Hijo | Son | Cuñado | Brother-in-law |
Hija | Daughter | Cuñada | Sister-in-law |
Abuelo | Grandfather | Primo | Cousin |
Abuela | Grandmother | Sobrino | Nephew |
Nieto | Grandson | Sobrina | Niece |
Nieta | Granddaughter | Tío | Uncle |
Tía | Aunt | | |
Cuerpo | Body | Pierna | Leg |
Cabeza | Head | Rodilla | Knee |
Cuello | Neck | Pie | Foot (feet) |
Hombro | Shoulder | Uña | Nail |
Brazo | Arm | Músculo | Muscle |
Codo | Elbow | Hueso | Bone |
Mano | Hand | Piel | Skin |
Dedo | Finger | Pelo | Hair |
Pecho | Chest | Espalda | Back |
| | | |
Universo | Universe | Isla | Island |
Estrella | Star | Montaña | Mountain |
Sol | Sun | Valle | Valley |
Planeta | Planet | Río | River |
Tierra | Herat | Lago | Lake |
Satélite | Satellite | Selva | Jungla |
Luna | Moon | Bosque | Forest |
Atmósfera | Atmosphere | Desierto | Desert |
Continente | Continent | Oceano | Ocean |
Mar | Sea | | |
País | Country | Aeropuerto | Airport |
Región | Region | Estación | Station |
Provincia | Province | Puerto | Port |
Ciudad | City | Metro | Metro |
Pueblo | Village | Parque | Parking lot |
Aldea | Small village | Aparcamiento | Parking |
Luna | Moon | Bosque | Forest |
Calle | Street | Cine | Cinema |
Plaza | Square | Teatro | Theater |
Avenida | Avenue | Restaurante | Restaurant |
Monumento | Monument | Fuente | Fountain |
Casa | House | Salón | Living room |
Puesta | Door | Recibidor | Foyer |
Ventana | Window | Comedor | Dinning room |
Pared | Wall | Dormitorio | Bedroom |
Suelo | Floor | Cuarto de baño | Bathroom |
Techo | Ceiling | Despacho | Study |
Tejado | Roof | Escaleras | Staircase |
Chimenea | Chimney | Garaje | Garage |
Balcón | Balcony | Buhardilla | Studio Apartment |
Pasillo | Hall | Cocina | Kitchen |
Mesa | Table | Almohada | Pillow |
Silla | Chair | Sábana | Sheet |
Sofá | Sofa | Manta | Blanket |
Cuadro | Painting | Colchón | martes |
Alfombra | Carpet | Colcha | Bedspread |
Espejo | Mirror | Mesilla de noche | Bedside table |
Lámpara | Lamp | Mecedora | Rocking chair |
Jarrón | Vase | Sillón | Armchair |
Armario (general) | Closet | Cómoda | Chest of drawers |
Armario (ropa) | Closet | Cama | Bed |
Carne | Meat | Mermelada | Marmalade |
Pescado | Fish | Queso | Cheese |
Huevo | Egg | Patata | Potato |
Azúcar | Sugar | Tomate | Tomato |
Harina | Flour | Lechuga | Lettuce |
Sal | SALT | Pimiento | Pepper |
Aceite | Oil | Zanahoria | Carrot |
Vinagre | Vinegar | Salchicha | Sausage |
Leche | Milk | Nata | Cream |
Mantequilla | Butter | Galleta | Cookie |
Pan | Bread | Tostada | Toast |
Abogado | Lawyer | Pintor | Painter |
Médico | Doctor | Frutero | Greengrocer |
Ingeniero | Engineer | Mecánico | Mechanic |
Economista | Economist | Militar | Soldier |
Arquitecto | Architect | Sacerdote | Priest |
Comerciante | Shopkeeper | Artista | Artist |
Panadero | Baker | Actor (actriz) | Actor (actress) |
Peluquero | Hairdresser | Funcionario | Civil servant |
Cerrajero | Locksmith | Escritor | Writer |
Fontanero | Plumber | Carpintero | Carpenter |
Sombrero | Hat | Chaleco | Vest |
Bufanda | Scarf | Corbata | Tie |
Gabardina | Raincoat | Camisa | Shirt |
Abrigo | Coat | Camiseta | T-shirt |
Chaqueta | Jacket | Traje | Suit |
Guante | Glove | Ropa interior | Underwear |
Pantalones | Pants | Camiseta (interior) | Vest |
Zapato | Shoe | Calzoncillo | Shorts |
Bota | Boat | Sujetador | Bra |
Zapatilla | Slipper | Calcetín | Sock |
Pijama | Pyjamas | Bragas | Panties |
Vestido | Dress | | |
Panadería | Baker | Optica | Optician |
Peluquería | Hairdresser | Farmacia | Pharmacy |
Frutería | Greengrocer | Gasolinera | gas station |
Taller | Workshop | Quiosco | Newsstand |
Cafetería | Snack-bar | Discoteca | Disco |
Joyería | Jeweller | Hospital | Hospital |
Carnicería | Butcher | Pastelería | Pastery |
Banco | Bank | Ferretería | hardware store |
Iglesia | Church | Supermercado | Supermarket |
Juguetería | Toyshop | Tienda de ropa | Clothes shop |
Librería | Bookshop | Anticuario | Antique shop |
Zapatería | Shoe shop | Tienda de muebles | Furniture place |
Perro | Dog | Lobo | Wolf |
Gato | Cat | Aguila | Eagle |
Caballo | Horse | Serpiente | Snake |
Toro | Bull | Camello | Camel |
Vaca | Cow | Hipopótamo | Hippo |
Oveja | Sheep | Rinoceronte | Rhinoceros |
Cabra | Goat | Pantera | Panther |
Zorro | Fox | Tiburón | Shark |
Cerdo | Pig | Ballena | Whale |
Elefante | Elephant | Tigre | Tiger |
León | Lion | Oso | Bear |
Alto | High | Pequeño | Small |
Alto (persona) | Tall | Fuerte | Strong |
Bajo | Low | Débil | Weak |
Bajo (persona) | Short | Bonito | Good-looking |
Ancho | Wide | Feo | Ugly |
Estrecho | Narrow | Recto | Straight |
Corto | Short | Torcido | Twisted |
Largo | Long | Rico | Rich |
Lento | Slow | Pobre | Poor |
Rápido | Quick | Ligero | Light |
Pesado | Heavy | Grande | Big |
Avión | Airplane | Moto | Motorcycle |
Helicóptero | Helicopter | Bicicleta | Bicycle |
Globo | Balloon | Barco | Ship |
Cohete | Rocket | Barca | Boat |
Coche | Car | Velero | Sailing boat |
Camión | Truck | Yate | Yacht |
Autobús | Bus | Submarino | Submarine |
Tren | Train | Petrolero | Oil tanker |
Tranvía | Trolley | Crucero | Cruiser |
Metro | Underground | Portaaviones | Carrier |
Avioneta | Cub aircraft | Furgoneta | Van |
Taxi | Taxi | | |
Ojo | Eye | Corazón | Heart |
Nariz | Nose | Estómago | Stomach |
Oreja | Ear | Riñón | Kidney |
Boca | Mouth | Hígado | Liver |
Labio | Lip | Intestino | Intestine |
Diente | Tooth (plural: teeth) | Vena | Vein |
Lengua | Tongue | Cerebro | Brain |
Ceja | Eyebrow | Piel | Skin |
Pestaña | Eyelash | Hueso | Bone |
Párpado | Eyelid | Sangre | Blood |
Garganta | Trota | Pulmón | Lung |
Rojo | Red | Naranja | Orange |
Verde | Green | Beige | Beige |
Azul | Blue | Plateado | Silver |
Negro | Black | Dorado | Gold |
Blanco | White | Claro | Light |
Azul marino | Navy blue | Oscuro | Dark |
Marrón | Brown | Gris | Gray |
Rosa | Pink | Morado | Purple |
Violeta | Violet | Amarillo | Yellow |
Tenis | Tennis | Karate | Karate |
Futbol | Football | Golf | Golf |
Baloncesto | Basketball | Waterpolo | Water polo |
Balonmano | Handball | Hockey | Hockey |
Vela | Mailing | Hockey sobre hielo | Ice hockey |
Remo | Rowing | Esquí | Skiing |
Hípica | Riding | Ciclismo | Cycling |
Natación | Swimming | Motociclismo | Motorcycling |
Atletismo | Athletics | Automovilismo | Car racing |
Gimnasia | Gymnastics | Balonvolea | Volley ball |
Boxeo | Boeing | Maratón | Marathon |
Yudo | Judo | | |
Alto | Tall | Obediente | Obedient |
Bajo | Short | Moreno | Dark |
Gordo | Fat | Rubio | Blond |
Flaco | Thin | Pelirrojo | Red-haired |
Feo | Ugly | Calvo | Bald |
Guapo (hombre) | Handsome | Canoso | Gray-haired |
Guapa (mujer) | Beautiful | Ciego | Blind |
Simpático | Nice | Sordo | Deaf |
Antipático | Unfriendly | Mudo | Dumb |
Tranquilo | Calm | Nervioso | Nervous |
Rebelde | Rebel | | |
Papel | Paper | Fax | Fax machine |
Libreta | Notebook | Carpeta | Folder |
Bolígrafo | (Ballpoint) pen | Archivadores (mueble) | Filing cabinet |
Lápiz | Pencil | Grapa | Staple |
Pluma | Fountain pen | Grapadora | Stapler |
Goma | Rubber | Clip | Paper clip |
Tijeras | Scissors | Sobre | Envelope |
Pegamento | Blue | Carta | Letter |
Máquina de escribir | Typewriter | Sello | Stamp |
Ordenadores | Computer | Documento | Document |
Rotulador | Magic Marker | Copia | Copy |
Teléfono | Phone | Sacapuntas | Pencil sharpener |
Plato | Plate | Microondas | Microwave |
Vaso | Glass | Lavaplatos | Dishwasher |
Cuchara | Spoon | Horno | Oven |
Cucharilla | Teaspoon | Batidora | Mixer |
Cuchillo | Knife | Sacacorchos | Corkscrew |
Tenedor | Fork | Exprimidor (eléctrico) | Juice maker |
Servilleta | Napkin | Abridor | Opener |
Sartén | Frying-pan | Salero | Salt shaker |
Cacerola | Saucepan | Azucarero | Sugar bowl |
Jarra | Jug | Grifo | Tap |
Olla a presión | Pressure cooker | Frigorífico | Fridge; refrigerator |
Fregadero | Sink | | |
Jugar | To play | Pelear | To fight |
Correr | To run | Ayudar | To help |
Saltar | To jump | Coincidir | To agree |
Reír | To laugh | Opinar | To give an opinion |
Llorar | To cry | Discrepar | To disagree |
Sonreír | To smile | Criticar | To criticize |
Gritar | To shout | Celebrar | To celebrate |
Abrazar | To hug | Agradecer | To thank |
Preguntar | To ask | Alegrarse | To be grateful |
Contestar | To answer | Entristecerse | To be sad |
Saludar | To say hello | Despedirse | To say goodbye |
Discutir | To argue | | |
Planeta | Planet | Mercurio | Mercury |
Espacio | Space | Venus | Venus |
Galaxia | Galaxy | Tierra | Earth |
Cohete | Rocket | Marte | Mars |
Astronauta | Astronaut | Júpiter | Jupiter |
Estrella | Star | Saturno | Saturn |
Meteorito | Meteorite | Urano | Uranus |
Despegue | Takeoff | Neptuno | Neptune |
Orbita | Orbit | Plutón | Pluto |
Satélite | Satellite | | |
Sol | Sun | | |
Luna | Moon | | |
Avión | Plane | Cinturón de seguridad | Seat-belt |
Azafata | Stewardess | Equipaje | Luggage |
Aeropuerto | Airport | Pasajero | Passenger |
Despegar | To take off | Bolsa de mano | Handbag |
Retrasar | To delay | Primera clase | First class |
Ala | Wing | Clase ejecutiva | Business class |
Motor | Engine | Clase turista | Tourist class |
Cabina | Cockpit | Pasillo de embarque | Shoot |
Embarcar | To borrad | Tripulación | Crew |
Aterrizar | To land | Lista de espera | Waiting list |
Aterrizaje | Landing | Terminal | Terminal |
Facturar | To check in | | |
Puerta nº 20 | Gate nº 20 | | |
Orgulloso | Proud | Ingenioso | Slick |
Entusiasta | Pager | Extravagante | Extravagant |
Celoso | Jealous | Cariñoso | Loving |
Estúpido | Dumb | Culto | Educated |
Solitario | Lonely | Torpe | Clumsy |
Elegante | Stylish | Inteligente | Intelligent |
Soltero | Single | Desconfiado | Distrustful |
Casado | Married | Avaricioso | Greedy |
Viudo | Widower | Introvertido | Introverted |
Viuda | Widow | Nervioso | Nervous |
Divorciado | Divorced | Tímido | Shy |
Seguro de sí | Confident | | |
Divertido | Funny | Calmado | Quiet |
Caprichoso | Fickle | Bravucón | Bragging |
Insoportable | Unbearable | Bonachón | Goodie |
Malicioso | Malicious | Exaltado | Hotheaded |
Extrovertido | Extrovert | Honesto | Honest |
Trabajador | Hard-working | Envidioso | Envious |
Vago | Lazy | Enfermizo | Sickly |
Glotón | Gorger | Sano | Healthy |
Dormilón | Sleepyhead | Loco | Mad |
Deprimido | Depressed | Malhumorado | Bad-tempered |
Irónico | Ironic | Triunfador | Successful |
Irritado | Irritated | | |
Pino | Pine | Alamo | Poplar |
Palmera | Palm | Platanero | Banana tree |
Roble | Oak | Alcornoque | Cork oak |
Ciprés | Ciprés | Viña | Vineyard |
Encina | Holm oak | Cocotero | Coconut palm |
Eucalipto | Eucalyptus | Cactus | Cactus |
Naranjo | Orange tree | Ciruelo | Plum tree |
Limonero | Lemon tree | Almendro | Almond tree |
Peral | Pear tree | Castaño | Chestnut tree |
Manzano | Apple tree | Olivo | Olive tree |
Higuera | Fig tree | | |
Agua mineral | Mineral water | Jerez | Sherry |
Leche | Milk | Champán | Champagne |
Vino | Wine | Tequila | Tequila |
Cerveza | Beer | Anís | Anisette |
Licor | Liqueur | Coñac | Cognac |
Whisky | Whisky | Vino tinto | Red wine |
Ginebra | Gin | Vino rosado | Rosé |
Refresco | Soft drink | Vino blanco | White wine |
Zumo | Juice | Batido | Milkshake |
Te | Tea | Ron | Rum |
Vodka | Vodka | | |
Mosca | Fly | Lagartija | little lizard |
Mosquito | Mosquito | Piojo | Louse |
Avispa | UASP | Garrapata | Tick |
Abeja | Bee | Polilla | Moth |
Hormiga | Ant | Lombriz | Worm |
Cucaracha | Cockroach | Saltamontes | Grasshopper |
Escarabajo | Beetle | Ciempiés | Centipede |
Mariposa | Butterfly | Caracol | Snail |
Araña | Spider | Pulga | Flea |
Grillo | Cricket | Escorpión | Scorpion |
Volante | Steering wheel | Embrague | Clutch |
Bujía | Spark plug | Neumático | Tyre |
Batería | Battery | Rueda | Wheel |
Motor | Engine | Capot | Hood |
Pistón | Piston | Maletero | Trunk |
Parabrisas | Windshield | Cilindro | Cylinder |
Limpiaparabrisas | Windshield wimpers | Matrícula | License plate |
Parachoques | Bumper | Carburador | Carburetor |
Espejo retrovisor | Rear-view mirror | Depósito | Gas tank |
Marcha | Gear | Acelerador | Accelerator |
Freno | Brake | | |
Barco | Ship | Marino | Sailor |
Proa | Bow | Cubierta | Deck |
Popa | Stern | Grumete | Cabin boy |
Estribor | Starboard | Timón | Rudder |
Babor | Port | Yate | Yacht |
Mástil | Mast | Remo | Oar |
Camarote | Cabin | Ancla | Anchor |
Vela | Sail | Quilla | Keel |
Capitán | Captain | Puente de mando | Bridge |
Navegar | To sail | Hundirse | To sink |
Naufragar | To be ship-wrecked | | |
Naranja | Orange | Tomate | Tomato |
Pera | Pear | Lechuga | Lettuce |
Plátano | Banana | Pepino | Cucumber |
Manzana | Apple | Remolacha | Beet |
Limón | Lemon | Pimiento | Pepper |
Sandia | Watermelon | Zanahoria | Carrot |
Melón | Melon | Perejil | Parsley |
Melocotón | Peach | Calabaza | Pumpkin |
Albaricoque | Apricot | Uva | Grape |
Fresa | Strawberry | Dátil | Date |
Patata | Potato | | |